iOS uses the same approach as CardDavMATE => show only relevant fields for the selected country:
Romania in iOS looks like:
Street Postal Code City Romania
for other countries there are other fields ... for example, US looks like:
Street City State ZIP United States
On Mar 14, 2013, at 10:29 PM, Attila Asztalos attila.asztalos@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Ján,
On 14-Mar-2013 22:24, Ján Máté wrote:
On Mar 14, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Attila Asztalos attila.asztalos@gmail.com wrote:
- Currently the address format for contacts in Romania hides the "county" field which is a very much existing, valid and used field (as also supported by [2] and [3]) called "Judet". Personally, the layout I use for "addressTypes['ro']" in "common.js" is 2 : street, 5 : code, 6 : locality, 9 : region (county), 11 : country but I guess the exact layout / order is a matter of some debate as well - even [2] and [3] contradict each other on this. To be honest, I also use the same field on Hungarian addresses as well ("Megye"), but official addressing samples don't seem to support me on this so I'm not particularly pushing for that.
hmm .. the problem is, that I want to be compatible with Contacts.app in OS X and iOS - so I use the same fields as Apple (our setup = 50 users with iPhone /+ few with iPad/)
Interesting... does that mean that on iOS there is no field for "county" at all when entering a Romanian address (I suppose there has to be a "county" field for at least, say, US addresses - and it's that field I use, not some custom one)...?
- Attila