dear all,
i have baikal in : i have InfCloud in :
Baikal dashboard says all OK. DAVx5 on my smartphone connects with baikal OK (84 contacts)
BUT i cannot find any good config.js to make InfCloud work as expected. The only Url that do something is : but InfCloud interface appears for half a second with "ressource 1/1" then all disappears and the screen of my browser remains blank.
i tested the 3 methods in config.js with:
Any help ???
Le 2022-03-13 17:39, gilles--- via Inf-IT DAV Clients a écrit :
dear all,
i have baikal in : i have InfCloud in :
Baikal dashboard says all OK. DAVx5 on my smartphone connects with baikal OK (84 contacts)
BUT i cannot find any good config.js to make InfCloud work as expected. The only Url that do something is : but InfCloud interface appears for half a second with "ressource 1/1" then all disappears and the screen of my browser remains blank.
i tested the 3 methods in config.js with:
Any help ???
Hi Gilles,
I use Baikal with infcloud. Here's my working conf.
- replace in config.js: var globalNetworkCheckSettings={ href: location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+ (location.port ? ':'+location.port: '')+ location.pathname.replace(RegExp('/+[^/]+/*(index.html)?$'),'')+ ==> '/caldav.php/', timeOut: 90000, lockTimeOut: 10000, checkContentType: true, settingsAccount: true, delegation: true, additionalResources: [], hrefLabel: null, forceReadOnly: null, ignoreAlarms: false, backgroundCalendars: [] }
var globalNetworkCheckSettings={ href: location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+ (location.port ? ':'+location.port: '')+ location.pathname.replace(RegExp('/+[^/]+/*(index.html)?$'),'')+ ==> '/dav.php/principals/', timeOut: 90000, lockTimeOut: 10000, checkContentType: true, settingsAccount: true, delegation: true, additionalResources: [], hrefLabel: null, forceReadOnly: null, ignoreAlarms: false, backgroundCalendars: [] }
As I want a french version:
- replace var globalDefaultAddressCountry='us'; with var globalDefaultAddressCountry='fr'; - replace var globalInterfaceLanguage='en_US'; with var globalInterfaceLanguage='fr_FR'; - replace var globalTimeZone='Europe/Berlin'; with var globalTimeZone='Europe/Paris'; - replace //var globalCalendarSelected=''; with var globalCalendarSelected=''; <= use your email address - replace //var globalTodoCalendarSelected=''; with var globalTodoCalendarSelected=''; <= use your email address
- remove the useless quote in index.html in line 763
!!! IMPORTANT !!! execute ./
merci nb,
tout ok jusqu'à execute ./ en fait j'ai lancé: bash ./ et j'ai Error: 'ed' not installed. Aborting.
une idée de comment m'en sortir?
atp-get install ed
Le 14 mars 2022 à 19:47, gilles--- via Inf-IT DAV Clients a écrit :
merci nb,
tout ok jusqu'à execute ./ en fait j'ai lancé: bash ./ et j'ai Error: 'ed' not installed. Aborting.
une idée de comment m'en sortir?
I made changes manually to cache.manifest as does just change the date at beginning of file. : #! /bin/bash # Use this script every time you modify any file to force browsers to reload it (empty HTML5 cache). command -v ed &> /dev/null || { echo "Error: 'ed' not installed. Aborting." > /dev/stderr; exit 1; } printf ",s/#V.*/#V $(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')/\nw\nq\n" | ed -s cache.manifest
cache.manifest: (just 5 lines at the top) CACHE MANIFEST #V 20220320105741
CACHE: addressbook.js
infcloud does nt work... the same probleme : opening of the legacy login window to open a session...
1. disable the cache in your browser and check the result 2. open the browser console and check for errors
... and *READ* the readme.txt!
On 20. 3. 2022, at 11:05, gilles--- via Inf-IT DAV Clients wrote:
I made changes manually to cache.manifest as does just change the date at beginning of file. : #! /bin/bash # Use this script every time you modify any file to force browsers to reload it (empty HTML5 cache). command -v ed &> /dev/null || { echo "Error: 'ed' not installed. Aborting." > /dev/stderr; exit 1; } printf ",s/#V.*/#V $(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')/\nw\nq\n" | ed -s cache.manifest
cache.manifest: (just 5 lines at the top) CACHE MANIFEST #V 20220320105741
CACHE: addressbook.js
infcloud does nt work... the same probleme : opening of the legacy login window to open a session...