I'm using CalDavZAP for some time. I tried to install it to example.com/calendar but that didn't work so I just moved whole folder into example.com/davical and it worked.
Problem with this setup is that I have to go to example.com/davical/calendar and that isn't looking that good, so I tried again configuring href value. Still, no success.
I'm looking Apache error logs and this is why I can't log in: script '/home/user/www/caldav.php' not found or unable to stat, referer: https://example.com/calendar/
My document root is /home/user/www, but caldav.php is located in /home/user/www/davical/ directory. For some reason, url is rewritten, but I don't see why. htaccess for davical directory is empty and some other CalDAV web clients don't have this problem.
This is my globalAccountSettings from config.js:
var globalAccountSettings=[{href: 'https://example.com/davical/caldav.php/USERNAME/', hrefLabel: null, crossDomain: null, forceReadOnly: null, withCredentials: false, showHeader: true, settingsAccount: true, checkContentType: true, userAuth: {userName: 'USERNAME', userPassword: 'PASSWORD'}, syncInterval: 60000, timeOut: 30000, lockTimeOut: 10000, delegation: false, ignoreAlarms: false, backgroundCalendars: []}];
Any idea why this is happenning?
Regards, Veljko
Hi Veljko,
there is no URL rewrite functionality in CalDavZAP ... maybe you forgot to disable globalNetworkCheckSettings or globalNetworkAccountSettings?
On 08 Nov 2013, at 16:25, Veljko veljko3@gmail.com wrote:
I'm using CalDavZAP for some time. I tried to install it to example.com/calendar but that didn't work so I just moved whole folder into example.com/davical and it worked.
Problem with this setup is that I have to go to example.com/davical/calendar and that isn't looking that good, so I tried again configuring href value. Still, no success.
I'm looking Apache error logs and this is why I can't log in: script '/home/user/www/caldav.php' not found or unable to stat, referer: https://example.com/calendar/
My document root is /home/user/www, but caldav.php is located in /home/user/www/davical/ directory. For some reason, url is rewritten, but I don't see why. htaccess for davical directory is empty and some other CalDAV web clients don't have this problem.
This is my globalAccountSettings from config.js:
var globalAccountSettings=[{href: 'https://example.com/davical/caldav.php/USERNAME/', hrefLabel: null, crossDomain: null, forceReadOnly: null, withCredentials: false, showHeader: true, settingsAccount: true, checkContentType: true, userAuth: {userName: 'USERNAME', userPassword: 'PASSWORD'}, syncInterval: 60000, timeOut: 30000, lockTimeOut: 10000, delegation: false, ignoreAlarms: false, backgroundCalendars: []}];
Any idea why this is happenning?
Regards, Veljko
On Fri, Nov 08, 2013 at 04:53:40PM +0100, Ján Máté wrote:
Hi Veljko,
there is no URL rewrite functionality in CalDavZAP ... maybe you forgot to disable globalNetworkCheckSettings or globalNetworkAccountSettings?
Hi Ján,
Yeah, it was uncommented and was with default settings. After commenting it, I was presented with pop-up log-in window and after logging in interface was empty. There was no key icon on left side, but calendar and event icons were there.
So I put href value in globalNetworkCheckSettings, uncomment it and now everything works.
Thanks for your fast response.
Regards, Veljko