Hi Andrej,
Is this fix in the 0.9.1 release? If so, it doesn't solve my problem.
On 07/26/2013 05:07 AM, Andrej Lezo wrote:
Hi Ken, after some checking and saving I found some timezone issue. It is fixed now and will be avaible in next RC. Regards, Andrej Lezo Dňa 25. 7. 2013 16:15 Ken Murchison wrote / napísal(a):
I'm using America/New_York on both servers. You might be on to something with the TZ parsing because if I edit the event through CalDAVZap to have the recurring event end on 30 July, I get an event displaying for 29 July, but not on the 30th. I think this takes the VEVENT data and author out of the mix.
I can't easily give you an account on the production server. I can give you access to my home test server, but it works fine there.
On 07/25/2013 09:52 AM, Andrej Lezo wrote:
Hello Ken, You're right, this is not a problem with event parsing. One thing which comes to my mind is something wrong with timezone processing. Which Time zone have you selected on your test and production versions (bottom left corner)? If that won't help, you could create an account for us. Regards, Andrej Lezo Dňa 25. 7. 2013 15:17 Ken Murchison wrote / napísal(a):
Hi Ján,
I can look but wouldn't that cause the entire event to not display, as opposed to just the final recurrence not displaying?
On 07/25/2013 09:10 AM, Ján Máté wrote:
Hi Ken,
are you sure that there are no invisible characters in the vEvent definition on your production server?
p.s.: rc2 is the latest public release
On Jul 25, 2013, at 1:40 PM, Ken Murchison murch@andrew.cmu.edu wrote:
Hi Andrej,
Hmm. It displays fine on my home test server, but not on our production server. Both servers are running 0.9.1rc2. Is there a later version? I tried with multiple browsers and still nothing displays on 29 July on our production server. I tried running cache_update.sh and flushing the browser cache as well. Any ideas?
On 07/25/2013 04:02 AM, Andrej Lezo wrote: > Hello Ken, > I checked your recurring event on our latest versions - demo > version (http://www.inf-it.com/caldavzap/) and latest rc version > and it didn't seem that there are some problem. I can see event > on 29/7 correctly. Which version of CalDAVZap are you using? You > can try update on latest version. > Thank you for using our software. > Regards, > Andrej Lezo > Dňa 23. 7. 2013 15:27 Ken Murchison wrote / napísal(a): >> I have the recurring event show below, which properly displays >> the event on 7/29 in the Apple clients, Thunderbird, and >> Google's web app, but CalDAVZap doesn't show an event on 7/29. >> >> >> BEGIN:VCALENDAR >> VERSION:2.0 >> PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.8.4//EN >> CALSCALE:GREGORIAN >> BEGIN:VTIMEZONE >> TZID:America/New_York >> BEGIN:DAYLIGHT >> TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 >> RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=2SU;BYMONTH=3 >> DTSTART:20070311T020000 >> TZNAME:EDT >> TZOFFSETTO:-0400 >> END:DAYLIGHT >> BEGIN:STANDARD >> TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 >> RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=1SU;BYMONTH=11 >> DTSTART:20071104T020000 >> TZNAME:EST >> TZOFFSETTO:-0500 >> END:STANDARD >> END:VTIMEZONE >> BEGIN:VEVENT >> TRANSP:OPAQUE >> DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20130708T100000 >> UID:8aecjj8jktg5ham42ag2bpb4no@google.com >> DTSTAMP:20130718T182134Z >> STATUS:CONFIRMED >> SEQUENCE:0 >> SUMMARY:Driver Ed >> LAST-MODIFIED:20130602T123428Z >> DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20130708T070000 >> CREATED:20130602T123428Z >> RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20130729T110000Z;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR >> BEGIN:VALARM >> X-WR-ALARMUID:692B65FB-C722-47C6-9C27-E8F071D1C64C >> UID:692B65FB-C722-47C6-9C27-E8F071D1C64C >> TRIGGER;VALUE=DATE-TIME:19760401T005545Z >> X-APPLE-DEFAULT-ALARM:TRUE >> ACTION:NONE >> END:VALARM >> END:VEVENT >> END:VCALENDAR >> >> >
-- Kenneth Murchison Principal Systems Software Engineer Carnegie Mellon University
Hi Ken,
yes, the fix is included in the final release. Andrej will contact you to help to resolve the issue.
On Jul 26, 2013, at 3:44 PM, Ken Murchison murch@andrew.cmu.edu wrote:
Hi Andrej,
Is this fix in the 0.9.1 release? If so, it doesn't solve my problem.