Ján Máté jan.mate@inf-it.com writes:
looks like you use wrong URL in config (404 = not found) ... can you please create a demo account on your server and send me a private e-mail with credentials + caldavzap URL? ... I will try to check where exactly is your problem ...
Thanks for the offer. Since this is not trivial to achieve, I spent some more time debugging...
The culprit was the setting
withCredentials: true,
in config.js. Setting it to false solved the problem, and the setup now works with DAViCal on a physically distinct server.
A question that keeps bugging me is how CalDAVzap can get a 404 while there is no evidence whatsoever of any HTTP action executed on the DAViCal server. I'd say there ought to be a log entry somewhere...?
Anyway, we got one step further; thanks for your patient support.
-- Johan