sorry but your configuration looks like a mess, e.g.:
- "Href" instead of "href" - "uSERAUTH" instead of "userAuth" - "https: //kalender-public/alperg.de/baikal/html/dav.php/principals/test/" - empty space after ":", "/" instead of "."
and also the error message contains everything except the most important part - the error code itself
So I really cannot help you :-(
On 24 Jul 2017, at 13:05, Jörg jalpers@gmx.net wrote:
I need a calendar with public access for public appointments. Use a Baikal server for this purpose, which is only to be set with user and password. Would like to use infcloud with the configuration
Var globalAccountSettings = [ { Href: 'https: //kalender-public/alperg.de/baikal/html/dav.php/principals/test/', // href: 'https: //kalender-public/alperg.de/baikal/html/dav.php/test/', uSERAUTH: { UserName: 'test', UserPassword: 'test1' }, TimeOut: 90000, LockTimeOut: 10000, CheckContentType: true, SettingsAccount: true, Delegation: true, HrefLabel: null, ForceReadOnly: null, IgnoreAlarms: false, BackgroundCalendars: [] }, { // href: 'https://server2.com:8443/caldav.php/USERNAME2/', // ... // ... } ];
Unfortunately, it does not work. With a different configuration with login screen I get access.
Firefox Console F12 logs in
/alperg.de/baikal/html/dav.php/principals/test/ => abort.
With header Accept Application / xml, text / xml, * / *; q = 0.01 Accept-Encoding Gzip, deflate, br Accept-Language en-US, en; q = 0.5 Authorization Basic dGVzdDp0ZXN0MQ == Connection keep-alive Content-Length 723 Content-Type text / xml Depth 0 host calendar-public Referer https://kalender-public.alperg.de/ User Agent Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv: 52.0) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 52.0 X-client InfCloud 0.13.1 (Inf-IT CalDAV / CardDAV Web Client) origin https://kalender-public.alperg.de
Can you help ?
best regards
Jörg Alpers