
I will add that fix to the next release. It looks like the problem is that Android doesn't like:


but it likes:


(without the red part).



On 29 Sep 2015, at 00:04, Vasyl Olenchenko <olenchenko@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jan.

Thanks for the fast. Your patch works great. Contact pictures sync again.


Пн, 28 вер. 2015 17:34 Ján Máté <jan.mate@inf-it.com> пише:
Hi Vasyl,

please try to apply the following patch and let me know the result (you must re-save
a contact and check it on android).



On 26 Sep 2015, at 11:31, Vasyl Olenchenko <olenchenko@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jan.

I am not sure if this is related, but now (after upgrading to 0.13.1 and

performing cache_update.sh) I have another problem - when I am editing
contact in Infcloud and changing picture and than synchronizing my
android phone (with Davdroid) the picture does not show on android phone
in contacts though it shows in Infcloud. I have also tried others sync
clients for Android (CardDAV-Sync free) with no luck.

I have also tried to download .vcf file from the server and open it in
outlook - the one updated from Android shows the picture and the one
updated from Infcloud - not. I have also noticed picture is stored in
png format by Infcloud and in jpg format by Android (I have opened .vcf
files with Notepad++). I have attached both .vcf files.

Any advise?

Best regards