Hi Ján,
Ján Máté jan.mate@inf-it.com writes:
vcardToData({vcard: 'BEGIN:VCARD\r\nADR;TYPE=HOME:****\r\nCATEGORIES:Unfiled\r\nEMAIL;TYPE=INTERNET:******\r\nFN:****\r\nN:****\r\nREV:2001-07-07T13:00:00+01:00\r\nTEL;TYPE=HOME:*****\r\nUID:palm-addressbook-00c57015-00003880-Johan Vromans@phoenix.squirrel.nl\r\nVERSION:3.0\r\nX-ALSO:*******\r\nEND:VCARD\r\n'}, false );
The problem is that in addressbook.js, line 1206
loadContact.vcard does not contain a "BEGIN:VCARD...END:VCARD" string, it contains
So it looks as if the input received from the DAViCal server is somehow not correctly understood (at the XML level).
I tested some setups (ws = Intel AMD64 workstation, nas = Synologic DS413):
carddav davical postgres result ws ws ws ok ws ws nas ok ws nas nas fail ws nas ws fail
This seems to indicate a DAViCal problem. Both systems are running the same version (1.1.1).
Any idea where to look?
-- Johan