Hello Ján, thanks for fast reply :) - yes, I know the 403 is a server response... I'm just wondering what might be the reason for this suddenly to occour. of course infcloud cannot work without reading the file config.js. I'll try to firgure out if anything has changed at my hoster.
Am 2019-08-15 10:24, schrieb Ján Máté:
Hi Werner,
the 403 is response from your server and cannot to related to infcloud (= list of static files on the disk). Your problem is somewhere else ...
On 15 Aug 2019, at 10:16, Werner Joss werner@hoernerfranzracing.de wrote:
I just realized that my infcloud Installation does no longer work. In the javascript console, I can see:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 () for config.js
- checked the file permissions and it is 644 (folder infcloud is 755)
with correct owner. As I did not change there anything recently, I wonder what might be the Problem ? any hints appreciated. (infcloud version appears to be 0.13.1)