On 27 Nov 2013, at 21:23, Johan Vromans jvromans@squirrel.nl wrote:
Ján Máté jan.mate@inf-it.com writes:
looks like you use wrong URL in config (404 = not found) ... can you please create a demo account on your server and send me a private e-mail with credentials + caldavzap URL? ... I will try to check where exactly is your problem ...
Thanks for the offer. Since this is not trivial to achieve, I spent some more time debugging...
The culprit was the setting
withCredentials: true,
in config.js. Setting it to false solved the problem, and the setup now works with DAViCal on a physically distinct server.
in the latest beta I removed this (and also the crossDomain) options from config.js examples:
// special options not present in the default config (use only if you know what are you doing!): // the crossDomain sets jQuery ajax crossDomain value (use only if you know what are you doing!) - by default null = autodetect /detected setting is shown in the console/ // the withCredentials sets jQuery's ajax withCredentials value for cross domain queries (use only if you know what are you doing!); note: if true, Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" is not allowed
A question that keeps bugging me is how CalDAVzap can get a 404 while there is no evidence whatsoever of any HTTP action executed on the DAViCal server. I'd say there ought to be a log entry somewhere...?
The problem is that this error is returned by the browser internals, so there is no way to show you what exactly is wrong ...
Anyway, we got one step further; thanks for your patient support.
-- Johan