On Sep 10, 2013, at 2:01 AM, rog7993@web.de wrote:
I did some more tests. But the observed behavior is different. I looks, like every browser saves it own settings. This does not depend from the fact, which session I closed last. Anyway. At the moment this is not really disturbing. I do not switch browsers all the time. And the few check marks are quickly done, if I start a browser for the first time.
Settings are stored as a DAV property into principal-URL (or calendar-home-set /see config.js/) ... DAV properties are defined as key=>value pair and the "key" in CalDavZAP is fixed string (currently "http://inf-it.com/ns/cal/:settings", but we will change it in the next version). So it is not possible to create different settings for each browser - settings are stored for each user and not browser.
In DAViCal you can check the stored settings by using:
SELECT * FROM property WHERE property_name='http://inf-it.com/ns/cal/:settings';