
CalDavZAP 0.10.0rc4 still kills Firefox 25.0.x. Immediately after showing the login window, firefox crashes. This error ist constantly reproduceable. Unfortunately the crash is so heavy that there is no posibility to get results in the dev console.

Best regards,

Am 26.11.13 17:24, schrieb Ján Máté:
Hi list,

sorry for the long silence, but better later than never :-)

CalDavZAP 0.10.0rc4 available:

demo: http://www.inf-it.com/caldavzap-new/
download: http://www.inf-it.com/CalDavZAP_0.10.0rc4.zip

This release contains few minor changes, a ton of bug fixes + performance improvements and it is the latest RC before the final release (there are no known bugs, except some untranslated strings). The public release is coming very soon (immediately after the finished translations).