Hi Marten & Julien,

On Jul 11, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Marten Gajda <marten@dmfs.org> wrote:

just to be clear, if the events are all-day it should read as

the VALUE=DATE parameter is mandatory.

yes, we use this parameter

Am 11.07.2013 18:52, schrieb Julien Métairie:
I think it should not set any hour/minute, for example : 
SUMMARY:Test event 

In this manner, the event would appear with no time at all, as shown in attached screenshot. When creating a new event, it is a good idea to pre-fill start/end times with business hours, but a "all-day" event is valid all the day long (birthdays, holiday, ...). 

it is already fixed in the 0.9.1 rc1 ... and the start/end hours (about which Andrej talked) are set when you uncheck the "All day" checkbox (instead of 00:00, 00:00 in the next release we will use values from globalCalendarStartOfBusiness and globalCalendarEndOfBusiness settings).