
I'm currently having some trouble configuring CalDavZAP and server for a intranet.
We have a webDAV server powered by MDaemon. It's compatible?
It works fine with Mozilla Thunderbird.

I want to load a calendar from server.
At the moment I'm developing the client on a local server https and the webDav it's https too.
I don't want login screen, so I've set up the globalAccountSettings.
As I do not have permissions to manage the server, I have tried installing plugins for CORS but it does not work very well. I always get the same message:
OPTIONS https://webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014 401 (Unauthorized):

Failed to load https://webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014: Response for preflight does not have HTTP ok status.

Error: [DAVresourceDelegation: 'REPORT https://[my_mail]@webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014'] code: '0' status: 'error' (this error code usually means network connection error, or your browser is trying to make a cross domain query, but it is not allowed by the destination server or the browser itself)

Is that all that can be done by the client?
Some error in config.js?
(the only thing I see is a white screen)

Here is my config.js:
// config.js
var globalAccountSettings=[
href: 'https://webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014',
userName: 'xxxxxxxxxxx',
userPassword: 'xxxxxxx'
// crossDomain: true,
// withCredentials: false,
timeOut: 90000,
lockTimeOut: 10000,
checkContentType: false,
settingsAccount: true,
delegation: true,
hrefLabel: null,
forceReadOnly: null,
ignoreAlarms: true,
backgroundCalendars: []


var globalBackgroundSync=true;
var globalSyncResourcesInterval=120000;
var globalEnableRefresh=false;
var globalEnableKbNavigation=true;
var globalInterfaceLanguage='es_ES';
var globalInterfaceCustomLanguages=[];
var globalSortAlphabet=' 0123456789'+

var globalSearchTransformAlphabet={
'[ÀàÁáÂâÄäÆæÃãÅåĀā]': 'a', '[ÇçĆćČč]': 'c', '[Ďď]': 'd',
'[ÈèÉéÊêËëĒēĖėĘęĚě]': 'e', '[Ğğ]': 'g', '[ÌìÍíÎîİıÏïĪīĮį]': 'i',
'[ŁłĹ弾]': 'l', '[ŃńÑñŇň]': 'n', '[ÒòÓóÔôÖöŐőŒœØøÕõŌō]': 'o',
'[ŔŕŘř]': 'r', '[ŚśŠšȘșŞşẞß]': 's', '[ŤťȚțŢţ]': 't',
'[ÙùÚúÛûÜüŰűŮůŪū]': 'u', '[ÝýŸÿ]': 'y', '[ŹźŻżŽž]': 'z'

var globalResourceAlphabetSorting=true;
var globalNewVersionNotifyUsers=[];
var globalDatepickerFirstDayOfWeek=1;
var globalHideInfoMessageAfter=1800;
var globalEditorFadeAnimation=666;
var globalEventStartPastLimit=3;
var globalEventStartFutureLimit=3;
var globalTodoPastLimit=1;
var globalLoadedCalendarCollections=[];
var globalLoadedTodoCollections=[];
var globalActiveCalendarCollections=[];
var globalActiveTodoCollections=[];
var globalCalendarSelected='https://webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014';
var globalActiveView='multiWeek';
var globalOpenFormMode='double';
var globalTodoListFilterSelected=['filterAction', 'filterProgress'];
var globalCalendarStartOfBusiness=8;
var globalCalendarEndOfBusiness=17;
var globalDefaultEventDuration=120;
var globalDisplayHiddenEvents=false;
var globalTimeZoneSupport=true;
var globalTimeZone='Europe/Berlin';
var globalTimeZonesEnabled=['Europe/Berlin'];
var globalRewriteTimezoneComponent=true;
var globalRemoveUnknownTimezone=false;
var globalShowHiddenAlarms=false;
var globalIgnoreCompletedOrCancelledAlarms=true;
var globalMozillaSupport=true;
var globalWeekendDays=[0, 6];
var globalAppleRemindersMode=true;

var globalSubscribedCalendars={ 
hrefLabel: 'Subscribed',
calendars: [

href: 'https://webmail.cag.es/webdav/public-calendars/comercial/h4014',
userAuth: {
userName: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
userPassword: 'xxxxxxxxxx'
typeList: ['vevent', 'vtodo'],
ignoreAlarm: true,
displayName: 'Remote Calendar 1',
color: '#ff0000'


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