Hello Jan,

i have tried your suggestion, but i doesnt help. However, if i add the event in the gui, i could see the event for a short time as long, as the dialog to enter the event is in front and as overly to rest of the screen. If this layer disappears, the event disappears also.

I think, for the initial first time, i have called InfCloud, the events are visible, but i cant remember exactly. So i would try the setup on another webserver. I could be something with my WebServer, since this only a hacked lighttpd on a AVM FritzBox 7390 (added via Freetz Image). With this, i have very limited ressources. I will try it on a Apache Server with my own SabreDAV installation and also with another DAV Server, if i found one to test.

From: jan.mate@inf-it.com
Subject: Re: [Inf-IT DAVcl] Calendars visible but no Events
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 09:40:49 +0100
To: davclients@inf-it.com


from config.js:

// - checkContentType
//   This option enables a content-type checking for server response.
//   If enabled then only objects with proper content-type are inserted
//   into the interface.
//   If you cannot see data in the interface you may try to disable it (useful
//   if your server returns wrong value in "propstat/prop/getcontenttype").
//   If undefined then content-type checking is enabled.



On 04 Dec 2015, at 08:14, Sebastian Pfohl <sebastian@pfohlnet.de> wrote:

Hello, after doing first tests, i have added some events to my calendar. This is SabreDAV if this matters. I could see all my calendars in the left pane, but no events. However, if i add a new event, i get the message that the event is successfully added. If i look on the Desktop via eM Client to the same calendar, i can see all my events. But i cant see them in InfCloud. Is there something i have missconfigured?