here is the fix ( release candidate 2):
patch from 0.8.1: http://www.inf-it.com/CalDavZAP_0.8.1-
patch from RC1: http://www.inf-it.com/CalDavZAP_0.8.1.1rc1-
Do not forget to execute cache_update.sh after you apply the patch!
On Feb 24, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Johan Vromans jvromans@squirrel.nl wrote:
Attila Asztalos attila.asztalos@gmail.com writes:
For whatever reason, events defined simply as recurring monthly in my Galaxy S2 come across in CalDavZap as "repeat : custom monthly / every : 1 months / custom / on days : <event day>", and promptly start appearing twice, but only on the day of their first occurence
I have similar problems. For example:
BEGIN:VEVENT CLASS:PUBLIC DTEND;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20130109T223000 DTSTAMP:20130224T050004Z DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Amsterdam:20130109T200000 RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=WE;WKST=SU;COUNT=51 SUMMARY:HowsaGoin UID:20030614173619-9144679 X-PALM-RECORD:3465 X-DATEBK5-TAGS:##@@K@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ END:VEVENT
This event shows twice on the first day.
-- Johan