Hi Ingo,
we found a bug related to your problem. It will be fixed in the next release, but you can apply the included patch (and execute the cache_update.sh) if you need the fix immediately.
On Sep 10, 2013, at 12:39 AM, rog7993@web.de wrote:
Hello Ján,
thanks for your answer and the beautiful application.
Am 03.09.2013 10:34, schrieb Ján Máté:
this feature is already supported:
1.) you must enable the settingsAccount exactly for ONE account (usually the logged user account)
Maybe I don't understand this correctly. What do you mean with "exactly one account"?
My config.js defines
var globalNetworkCheckSettings={href: location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname+(location.port ? ':'+location.port: '')+location.pathname.replace(RegExp('/+[^/]+/*(index.html)?$'),'')+'/caldav.php/', hrefLabel: null, crossDomain: null, additionalResources: [], forceReadOnly: null, withCredentials: false, showHeader: true, settingsAccount: true, checkContentType: true, syncInterval: 60000, timeOut: 30000, lockTimeOut: 10000, delegation: true, ignoreAlarms: false, backgroundCalendars: []}
globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings are undefined.
2.) you must set the globalSettingsType to 'calendar-home-set' if your server has no support for setting DAV properties to 'principal-URL' (this is the default for DAViCal)
I tried 'calendar-home-set' and 'principal-URL' (which is the default, when this parameter is undefined, or?), but saving of the user settings does not work with any of both alternatives.
If it not helps then your server maybe don't have support for storing DAV properties.
Should this work with the combo Davical/Apache? Davical has version 1.1.1 without any patches.
If you think that this is a bug, you can create a demo/testing account on your server (+send me a private e-mail with credentials) and we can check where is the problem.
The calendar server sits behind a firewall and is used only internally. I fear, the person responsible for it, won't open it for a debug session.
Ingo Rogalsky