You are correct. I loaded my calendar using my android tablet (which had never loaded it before) and the weekdays were perfect. Browser caches are problematic at best it seems.

Thank you,

Sent with AquaMail for Android

On July 28, 2015 1:37:00 AM Ján Máté <> wrote:

Hi Gary,

I've just tested it, and it works without any problem - see:

It looks like you have html5 cache problem (maybe in the browser, maybe not modified cache.manifest).


On 28 Jul 2015, at 07:28, Gary <> wrote:


I'm using the latest version of InfCloud, running under Debian 8. I'd like to change the month view of the calendar to start on Sunday (as well as the date picker). I've changed the these two settings in config.js:

var globalDatepickerFirstDayOfWeek=0;
var globalWeekendDays=[0, 6];

I then ran and reloaded the calendar using Firefox v39. The week still starts on Monday as does the date picker. Is there a way to get the month to start on Sunday?
