
415 is very interesting error, and it is a reason why it not works. CardDavMATE first
tries to use REPORT to sync data from a collection, and if it gets one of the following

400 /* bad request */
403 /* forbidden (for stupid servers) */
501 /* unimplemented */

it switches back to PROPFIND (for servers that supports only basic CardDAV fuctionality).

415 means "Unsupported Media Type" - The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

You can try to replace the following line in webdav_protocol.js:

if((objAJAXRequest.status==400 /* bad request */ || objAJAXRequest.status==403 /* forbidden (for stupid servers) */ || objAJAXRequest.status==501 /* unimplemented */) && inputCollection.forceSyncPROPFIND!=true /* prevent recursion */)


if((objAJAXRequest.status==400 /* bad request */ || objAJAXRequest.status==403 /* forbidden (for stupid servers) */ || objAJAXRequest.status==501 /* unimplemented */ || objAJAXRequest.status==415) && inputCollection.forceSyncPROPFIND!=true /* prevent recursion */)

(do not forget to execute cache_update.sh after the change), but there is no guarantee that it will work. I think it's a server error, because nobody reported this or similar errors with other servers (and we always try REPORT first).


On 31 Aug 2015, at 15:55, Stephen G. Parry <sgparry@mainscreen.com> wrote:

I have set up CardDavMate to connect to my ownCloud Server for testing
purposes. It is set up on the same domain using a static setup. I get a
list of address books OK but the address books show up as empty and I
get these errors on the browser debug console:
[HTTP/1.1 415 Unsupported Media Type 170ms]
"Error: [CardDAVnetLoadCollection: 'REPORT
code: '415' status: 'error'"

Any ideas please?
Stephen P.