Hey Johan,
Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, what version of CalDAVZAP / InfCloud are you using? Because I cannot seem to replicate this behaviour. I created a daily event repeating from 07-11 for 10 occurences (up to 16-11), then edited the one on 09-11, but the event still shows as starting at 09-11 and ending at 09-11. Did you perhaps created the event in a different way?
Matej Mihalik
On 09.11.2015 22:53, Johan Vromans wrote:
According to screenshot 1, the (whole day) appointment starts at 09-11-2015 and ends at 09-11-2015. However, when I click it to edit, it suddenly ends a day later. This is repetetive, every time I perform click/save the appointment is extended by one day.
This is the event info:
BEGIN:VEVENT CREATED:20151109T212532Z LAST-MODIFIED:20151109T212659Z DTSTAMP:20151109T212659Z UID:maam0uf0-m5br-9y0p-72dv-m8leis978g31 SUMMARY:Inhalers vervangenâś” TRANSP:OPAQUE CLASS:PUBLIC RECURRENCE-ID;VALUE=DATE:20151109 DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20151109 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20151110 END:VEVENT
Any idea what's going on here?
-- Johan