I'm running a davical + apache setup since years, and I recently installed caldavzap.
Amongst my many virtualhosts, I added a specific one for caldavzap, and I'm struggling to make it work. (This one is called webcal.mydomain.net) I'm facing some serious issues to understand the documentation.
In globalAccountSettings, I defined that : href: 'http://cal.mydomain.net/caldav.php/USERNAME1/' crossDomain: true [...] ref: 'http://cal.ecarnot.net/caldav.php/USERNAME1/', crossdomain: true,
In globalNetworkCheckSettings, I defined that : href: 'http://cal.ecarnot.net/caldav.php/' crossDomain: true
I also added the specific config about the mod_headers into the davical virtualhost settings.
- What I get is the login screen appears. In apache log files, I see that :
File does not exist: /home/websites/webcal/lib/jquery-2.0.3.min.map
- Testing a wrong password correctly fails - Testing a correct password leads to a blank page. In the javascript console, I see that : Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'indexOf' of undefined main.js:398
I am really lost betweend the many things and places I should configure. May you help please?