On Feb 12, 2013, at 10:31 PM, Sven Anders <anders(a)anduras.de> wrote:
> I think I configured it correctly.
> Here the headers:
> OPTIONS /caldav.php/ HTTP/1.1
> Host: caldav.hannover.anduras.office
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
> Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
> Accept-Language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Origin: http://calendar.hannover.anduras.office
> Access-Control-Request-Method: PROPFIND
> Access-Control-Request-Headers: authorization,content-type,depth,x-client
> Connection: keep-alive
> HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 21:13:30 GMT
> Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu)
> Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://calendar.hannover.anduras.office, http://calendar, http://addressbook.hannover.anduras.office, http://addressbook
> Access-Control-Allow-Headers:
> User-Agent,Authorization,Content-type,Depth,If-match,If-None-Match,Lock-Token,Timeout,Destination,Overwrite,X-client,X-Requested-With
> access-control-allow-credentials: true
> Content-Length: 618
> Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
> Connection: Keep-Alive
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> Do you see anything wrong here?
Yes - it is wrong. You cannot use Access-Control-Allow-Origin with multiple origins separated by comma ... if you really need to allow multiple origins, you need to define them separately:
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://calendar.hannover.anduras.office
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://calendar
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://addressbook.hannover.anduras.office
Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://addressbook
> ** Some more questions:
> CalDavZap
> 1) How do I add calenders of other people?
a.) both globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings allows you to define an array of accounts
b.) both globalAccountSettings and globalNetworkAccountSettings allows you to define an array of additionalResources for each account
c.) globalNetworkAccountSettings with auth module allows you to define any configuration dynamically (in the auth module itself)
d.) you can use the delegation option (in globalAccountSettings, globalNetworkAccountSettings and also the combination of the globalNetworkAccountSettings and the auth module)
it the config.js there are a ton of comments (with examples) for each of these options ... currently the config.js (with combination of the changelog.txt) is the "best" documentation ;-)
> 2) Is it possible to change the calendar color?
no, CalDavZAP reads the calendar color from the server (it is stored by Apple clients as a property - "http://apple.com/ns/ical/calendar-color") ... if there is no such property on the server then CalDavZAP generates a color from the calendar URL (so it is always the same, but you cannot change it in the client itself)
> 3) Is it possible to hide completed TODOs?
currently you can use the globalTodoHideExpired option (see config.js) ... but in 0.9 we will add a completely new interface for TODO with lot of new options (0.9 is coming in ~3 weeks)
> CardDavMate
> 1) How do I create Groups?
this feature is supported ONLY by Apple clients (there is no resource/collection management in the current version of CardDavMATE/CalDavZAP) ... but CardDavMATE has full read-write support for vCard groups (if these are already defined)
> 2) Is it possible to filter by categories?
directly not, but you can use the search box
> ** Some ideas for usability:
> CardDavMate
> 1) Make the image (in edit mode) clickable and show a upload window.
this feature is already on my roadmap
> 2) Autocomplete for already used categories or display select list/box.
this feature is already present ... if you start to write the category name you will see a listbox for categories with similar names ... you can also press the "down" button on your keyboard to see all currently present categories
Am 14.02.2013 10:39, schrieb Ján Máté:
> Hi,
> On Feb 14, 2013, at 10:12 AM, Sven Anders <anders(a)anduras.de> wrote:
>>>> 2) Autocomplete for already used categories or display select list/box.
>>> this feature is already present ... if you start to write the category name you will see a
>>> listbox for categories with similar names ... you can also press the "down" button on your
>>> keyboard to see all currently present categories
>> Ok, I missed that.
>> But I found a bug here. You can remove categories, even, if you are not in the edit mode.
> I cannot reproduce this problem ... what is your OS, browser and browser version?
Linux (Ubuntu 11.10)
Firefox 18.0.1
DaviCal 1.1.1
No messages in the console.
I can focus the "new category" field and delete them with the backspace key.
If I enter edit mode and save, there gone.
>> The problems seems to be, that the public server only delivers the calendars, if queried with
>> the GET method.
>> I did not found a configuration option to force this...
>> Maybe we should add an option or handle .ics calendars different.
> will check
>> And it would be nice to have an "sync" button. I try with three clients at the same time
>> (Thunderbird, Android and CalDavZap/CardDavMate) and at least in CardDavMate I had problems,
>> because the displayed entries were too old. A login/logout did not help.
> The sync interval is configurable option and I never get a bugreport related to synchronization.
> I also have 0 bugreports from our company (~50 people) with latest version of our clients (and
> nearly everybody use them every day). Currently the "sync" button is not planned but maybe in future we will add one.
I got the "vCard was already modified" message here.
Maybe I was too fast (and it was late at night) ;-)
Sven Anders <anders(a)anduras.de> () UTF-8 Ribbon Campaign
/\ Support plain text e-mail
ANDURAS intranet security AG
Messestraße 3 - 94036 Passau - Germany
Web: www.anduras.de - Tel: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-0 - Fax: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-55
Rechtsform: Aktiengesellschaft - Sitz: Passau - Amtsgericht: Passau HRB 6032
Mitglieder des Vorstands: Dipl.-Inf. Sven Anders, Dipl.-Inf. Marcus Junker
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: RA Mark Peters
I have problems to get the CalDavZap Calendar running.
My configuration:
1) Two virtual servers
one for Davical [caldav.my.dom] and
one for caldavzap [cal.my.dom].
2) I added the RewriteRules (from ../carddavmate/misc/config_davical.txt).
3) I tried using these config settings (in config.js):
a) var globalNetworkCheckSettings={href: 'http://caldav.my.dom:80/caldav.php/', hrefLabel: null,
crossDomain: null, additionalResources: [], forceReadOnly: null,
withCredentials: false, showHeader: true, settingsAccount: true,
syncInterval: 60000, timeOut: 30000, lockTimeOut: 10000};
b) var globalNetworkAccountSettings={href: 'http://calmy.dom:80/auth/',
crossDomain: true, withCredentials: false, syncInterval: 0, timeOut: 30000};
Additionally configuring "auth/config.inc" with the correct URL
and "auth/plugins/generic_conf.inc" with:
But I always get errors.
Case a)
I get an Web-Browser Authorization window, asking for account and password, which I do not want.
Given the right credentials here, does not work.
Case b)
I get an Web-Browser Authorization window, asking for account and password, which I do not want.
Given the right credentials here, show the calendar gui but no calender data.
I the firebug console I saw:
"NetworkError: 401 Unauthorized - http://caldav.my.dom/caldav.php/anders/"
What I'm doing wrong?
Any ideas?
Sven Anders
Sven Anders <anders(a)anduras.de> () UTF-8 Ribbon Campaign
/\ Support plain text e-mail
ANDURAS intranet security AG
Messestrasse 3 - 94036 Passau - Germany
Web: www.anduras.de - Tel: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-0 - Fax: +49 (0)851-4 90 50-55
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
- Benjamin Franklin